Membership Badges for 2024

 MEMBERSHIP BADGE PROCESS STREAMLINED… Please Read Prior to the Jan. 19 Meeting

It is time to streamline our process for the Membership Badges and this memo will outline the reasons why and how it will be done:

1.Our current process has been workintensive for the Membership Chair, as the beginning of January is demanding after the time spent identifying members returning and finalizing the membership lists. These finalized lists (complete with members’ phone numbers, email, and addresses) are then published in late January by our Communications Coordinator. She informs us when they are briefly available, posted on a “hidden page” on our website, for you to download and print off. The lists are only made accessible once per year to ensure security of everyone’s personal information.

2. Once the 2024 Membership List is confirmed, the revamped badges (integrating new members and removing those not returning), must be re-arranged in the wooden boxes alphabetically by last name and re-numbered on the back to coincide with their numbered placement in the boxes.

3. This box storage process will be phased out over the next few months to eliminate this step.

4. Experience in other associations and Probus Clubs, have proven that it is time to eliminate this procedure and simply give our members responsibility for their individual badges to wear to the meetings. This means members would take it home (and you know some of you already do…ha!) and when it is a Probus meeting or event, you will wear it. Some of you will wonder, but what if I forget to put it on before leaving the house? If you do, you will be greeted at the same table that held the badges, but you will get a paper name tag, instead. (When you think about it, we were all well trained to bring our toonies for the snacks and I think most of us will remember to put our badges on before leaving for the meeting.) A HINT for NEVER forgetting your badge: Store it in your vehicle! Problem solved!

For the first 3 monthly meetings of 2024, the boxes will be out for you to pick up your badges. Those that don’t make the January meeting will be able to do it in February or March. (As we know many of our members like to escape in the winter months…) If loss occurs, the current market fee for replacement will be levied. The cost is currently $12.00 with taxes.

Please notify Mary Laudien over the next couple of months, if you have some creative suggestions for repurposing the boxes. They were handmade and I am sure we can think of some way to find a new home for them.

Hopefully, this new process with the badges will make you as happy as it does your Membership Coordinator.